Saturday, June 20, 2009

This is the beginning of something...

This is the beginning of something new. I am unsure whether it will end up being something good, bad, big or small, but it is the beginning. This is the beginning of my Blog.

Let me clarify some minor details first. I use to have a livejournal, and I use to updated it on a semi-regular basis. But its been almost 2 years since I've posted anything on it, and I almost forgot I had it. It was pretty much an ongoing online rant about things going on in my life and that isn't at all what I want in a Blog. I want to share my art, my passions and the small, barely noticed details of life and the world that are so interesting to me. So, I say this is the beginning, and it is, a second beginning, but a beginning all the same.

So here is my mission with this blog:

To share my creativity and the things in life that inspire and challenge me, the beauty of life, even if its not beautiful to everyone. This blog will chronicle my adventures in the ordinary, the journey that is life. I am setting out to blog at least once a week. This is my goal, whether or not it will happen, is a mystery yet to be discovered.


gypsy moon designs said...

Look forward to reading your adventures!

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