Tuesday, May 25, 2010

These Days... Project Day 2

Today I had a lot that I wanted to capture for this project and I didn't end up photographing any of it. But I did spend sometime packing, and when I was packing I came across my supply of blank canvases and it got me thinking. I sat for awhile with this canvas in front of me and just wondered what it would be. I use to sit and stare at canvas and imagine all the possibilities. I haven't done that in such a long time. So it was nice to take some time to do that, then after I made a stack of the blank ones, I found a bunch of my paintings, some that I love, some that I hate and wish I could just throw away and it was very inspiring for me. I probably spent an entire hour just sitting looking through these paintings of mine. I realized that out of everything I did today, this was the most refreshing and was the thing that reminded me most of my life here in Maryland. So that is what my photo is of today. Its not a particularly great photograph, but it was something worth documenting. I might read this tomorrow when I wake up and think I must have been crazy when I took the photo and wrote this post but, right now its right.

So, enjoy, or not, but this is my day:


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