Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 011 back to average

So I mailed the xsi and 85 mm back yesturday evening... so its back to average. I have felt so unmotivated and uncreative today. There is just so much stress in my life right now and I think I'm just starting to wear me down. So let me fill ya in a little about what I've been goin' thru...

*WARNING*-Its about to break into the personal.

So over the past 2 and half weeks 5 people I know have died, one isn't expected to live through the week and another is going into surgery tomorrow to stop internal bleeding caused by cancer, and they don't know if he'll survive the surgery. It might sound like there has been some tragic accident that everyone I know was involved in, but thats not the case. Part of it is that I work at a nursing home and part of it is just plain life. I feel so overwhelmed by it though. I've tried staying emotionally detached but to be honest its not me. I care, even when I don't want to, I care, I can't help it, caring is apparently hard wired into who I am. It is what it is. So needless to say I've spent A LOT of time praying. I'm trying my best not to slip into depression but right now, all I want to do is nothing.

It was a hard day to try and take a photo, so once again sorry that its not stellar, I'll try harder tomorrow, promise.

I actually feel like the content of this photograph is an intimate look into who I am. I don't know, I just feel like you can tell alot about a person by the books they read. I'm not saying that every book in this picture tells you something specific about me, but it does give you insight into what I like to read and reading can shape you. I don't know. Just one of those weird theories of mine.
So enjoy, and try not to judge me. :-)


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