Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 013 Happy Thanksgiving

So Today is Day 013 and also Thanksgiving. I briefly contemplated not posting a photo of the day today but realized I would like to make it through the holiday integrity intact. So I gave it another try with the bookcase and decided to try some fun new editing. I don't generally do much with fill layers and stuff so I decided to expirement a little. I had to work today which you would think is a total drag, especially since I have been dreading work a little bit latel, but not the case. I have been looking forward to working today for almost a month. There is just something about it that I love. I don't know if its the fact that I only had to work 6 hours, or getting to watching the parade and holiday movies all day, or stepping into the place of family for some of our residents who don't have any, or if its that half the staff isn't there to call you up every 10 minutes and request that you drop what you are doing to attend to their personal request. But whatever it is, its a great day to work. I had SO much fun today.

Tonight is the night. Black Friday-ness will ensue at 12:00 am Midnight, and for the first time in my life, I will be a part of it. I am feeling a mixture of emotions, from excitement to anxiety, and on top of it I am already tired and its only 8pm. I tried to take a nap but had no success, simply because my brain was thinking about a million things and wouldn't slow down. So I decided to post my photo of the day instead.

So here it is, photo 013 of the photo month challenge:


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